How do I create a tax-exempt Dolfin Swimwear account?

To set up a tax-exempt account with Dolfin Swimwear, please email to Please include Name, Organization Name, Customer Number (if applicable), Email, and Phone Number in the body of your email so we can quickly identify and assign tax exemption status to your account.



If you have any questions during the process, please call Customer Engagement at (800)441-0818.

Please note, any incomplete information on your exemption document (signature, date, not checking every applicable box) will result in a request for you to resubmit the document with complete information. Keep in mind that this account can't be used for personal purchases. All tax-exempt accounts will be created under the business or organization's name (i.e. school, district, or agency).  Please note that a valid exemption document must be on file with us by the date your order is invoice or else we are obligated by law to charge sales tax on your order.



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